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Fat Dissolving Injections 

Fat dissolving image

Fat dissolving injections are incredible compounds that work to break down the membranes of the fat cells beneath the skin. They work by breaking the cell down from the nucleus outwards making them unstable.

The fat cells are safely discarded naturally by your lymphatic system and can not return. 

Read the full process below: 

Adipose tissue (body fat) is essential for our bodies, we need this tissue to protect our vital organs and to provide insulation. An adult of a heathy BMI (18.5 to 24.9) will have just three layers of adipose tissue. When a person gains weight, for example because they’re over eating, the fat cells swell and when they can expand no more they divide through a process known as mitosis or cell division. This means that the person then gains 3 more layers of adipose tissue; as the person continues to over eat the cycle continues : swell > multiply > swell > multiply.

If this person then stops over eating and decides to go on a diet, the fat cells reduce in size; however the adipose tissue layers will remain the same.
After the treatments destroy the fat cells, the cells can not come back or be used for fat storage again. They will be flushed away naturally by the lymphatic system; however, the fat cells that remain can still swell and multiply if the person continues to over eat.

This treatment is most effective when paired with a healthy diet and exercise.

How the treatment works: 

Fat cells can die in two ways necrosis and apoptosis.

Necrosis takes place when the cells or the living tissues are damaged by an external influence causing an unprogrammed cell death. Necrosis can occur due to injuries, infections, disease, lack of blood flow to the cells/tissue (like from a heart attack or a stroke) and extreme environmental conditions. While the dead cells/tissue can be removed, it can not be brought back to good health.

Apoptosis is a programmed cell/tissue death. It is a much gentler process than necrosis as the cells are programmed to die which is more controlled and predictable for the body to deal with. An example of apoptosis - When babies are developing in the womb they have webbed fingers and toes. The cells that make up the web are programmed to die at a certain time so that the baby will result in 10 fingers and toes.

Another example of a programmed cell death is the menstrual cycle. When an unfertilised egg and the cells of the womb lining die naturally and get removed from the body as they’re no longer needed.

When a fat dissolving product is administered into the desired area a process called apoptosis takes place whereby the cell shrinks, the cytoskeleton of the cell collapses, the nuclei disassembles then the whole cell breaks down.
When Aqualyx is injected the active substance in Aqualyx locks into the cell wall making it unstable. It then releases the fatty acid that’s stored within it converting that to energy. The cell residue is broken down and then removed naturally by the lymphatic drainage system.

Aqualyx works by causing an inflammatory reaction in the fat cells which can result in swelling that lasts 4-6 days. This swelling can be obvious when having facial treatments like the jowls. Please consider this when booking your appointment around any social or work engagements that you might have.

What area of the body can be treated with fat dissolving injections? 

Aqualyx can able used over the entire body for dissolution of fat deposits.
Areas include:
• Jawline, Jowls and Chin

• Arms
• Back
• Belly
• Hips and love handles/flanks • Stomach

• Thighs
• Loins
• Buttocks
• Small fat pad areas like the knees


Small area - £90

Medium area - £150

Large Area - £180

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