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Dermaplaning Without Mask

Want a brighter complexion but not sure how to achieve it? Dermaplaning will bring you one step closer to the glowing skin of your dreams. Starting with a double cleanse and tone, we then go straight into the Dermaplaning which removes the peach fuzz and dead skin cells from the surface of your skin. This treatment is extremely exfoliating which will leave you with the most beautiful glow enhanced with Vitamin C serum to finish.

Duration: 45 Minutes

Price: £42

Blackhead Extraction

The blackhead extraction facial is no joke. It is a hardcore deep cleansing facial that extracts excess dirt, sebum, dead skin cells and build up from clogged pores. Comprising of steaming, a double cleanse, tone, exfoliation, resurfacing the skin, deep extraction of the pores, a final cleanse, and then finishing with a mask. You will leave feeling fresher than ever.

Duration: 1 hour 30 Mins

Price: £52

Standard Facial

A standard facial is great if your skin is in need of a relax and refresh. Comprising of steaming, a double cleanse, tone, mini massage, exfoliation, and a mask it is perfect for a bit of me time. 


Duration: 45 minutes

Price: £32

Luxury Facial

The luxury facial is perfect for a full MOT of the skin and a full wind down of the mind. Comprising of steaming, a double cleanse, tone, a full stress relieving massage including lymphatic drainage pressure points, exfoliation and a rejuvenating mask to finish. Why not show yourself and your skin some love and treat yourself to a luxury facial.

Duration: 1 Hour 15 Mins

Price: £47

Dermaplaning With Mask

Want a brighter complexion but not sure how to achieve it? Dermaplaning will bring you one step closer to the glowing skin of your dreams. Starting with a double cleanse and tone, we then go straight into the Dermaplaning which removes the peach fuzz and dead skin cells from the surface of your skin. This treatment is extremely exfoliating which will leave you with the most beautiful glow enhanced with a rejuvenating mask to finish.

Duration: 1 hour

Price: £52

Mini Facial

A mini facial is perfect if your skin is feeling tired and in need of a refresh but you're tight for time. Comprising of a double cleanse, tone, exfoliation, and a mask it is perfect for a little top up to your daily skin care routine.

Duration: 30 Minutes

Price: £28

Deluxe Facial

Our deluxe facial is perfect if you and your skin is in need of a bit of self love. Comprising of steaming, a double cleanse, tone, a stress relieving massage, exfoliation and a mask it is perfect for fully relaxing and enjoying some well needed self love and down time. 

Duration: 1 Hour
Price: £42

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